
Krank draws furry art, among other things.
  • Dumb bear with big heart.
  • Perpetual tryhard.
  • Furry artist.
Who are you?

I'm Krank. At day, I'm a UX designer. And at night, I like drawing and coding.

What is this?

This is my art portfolio showing all the furry art I created since 2019.

Do you do commissions?

Yes! Usually for friends or for special occasions. Sadly I'm pretty limited in my drawing time, but please show me your idea! You can contact me on Twitter at @Krankomat96.

How can I quickly navigate on the art pages?

Press J to go to previous artwork. Press L to go to next artwork. Press K to show/hide artwork description.

Where is the naughty art?

Heh... sadly not this site. If you really want to know, you can contact me on Twitter at @Krankomat96.

How did you create this site?

I wrote a custom static site generator. It takes my art as input and outputs this website. You can find the source code at https://github.com/krank-art/portfolio. Keep in mind that the repository does not include the original art files.

Why did you not use a preexisting static site generator?

Because it's fun to write your own! I wanted fine grain control on the pages I wrote. Copying plain HTML wouldn't have been efficient, so I had to write my own engine. I've had the dream of writing my own templating engine since 2018.

Can I use this engine for my own site?

Yes, but please provide a link back to this site.

Do you want to be my friend?

Sure! Just write me a private message on Twitter @Krankomat96 or tweet at me.